NYC PREMIERE Escaping an abusive home, Juan Carlos spent years on the streets of Mexico City before finding his way to a unique group home for runaway boys. As the 16-year-old adjusts to his new surroundings, receives educational and job training and learns to trust adults again, he still longs for a connection to his father. With visitor’s day looming, will Juan Carlos find what he’s looking for, or only suffer disappointment once again?

Co-Presented by Cinema Tropical 

Screening with Jackson Adams’s Culcha. In the foothills of Jamaica, a man struggles to relate to his father.


Director: Nicole Opper
Producer: Nicole Opper, Manuel Tsingaris, Carlo Corea
Cinematographer: Nicole Opper
Editor: Manuel Tsingaris, Carlo Corea
Music: Diana Salier
Language: Spanish
Country: USA
Year: 2016