Peter Yearwood Producer

October 01, 2023

Peter Yearwood contracted polio as an infant in his home country, Belize, and has lived with a disability his whole life. In 1970, he emigrated to Brooklyn and met the mother of his children. When that relationship ended, Pete fell into the street life, using and selling drugs. In 2015, many years sober, Pete moved into Coler Rehabilitation and Nursing Care Center, where he met his Open Doors brothers, aka the Reality Poets. He is both a member and manager of the group, which now includes women. Pete played the role of narrator in the play Fade, based on the Reality Poets’ true stories. Fade premiered at the Main Street Theatre on Roosevelt Island in 2019. Pete’s poetry has been published in literary journals, and he has led poetry workshops for youth and people with disabilities. As a member of the Coler Task Force and the Moving Forward Coalition, Pete advocates for nursing home residents’ rights. He is a Co-producer and Associate Impact Producer on the feature-length documentary Fire Through Dry Grass.