Viewfinders Competition Line-Up
This year’s Viewfinders line-up is chock full of premieres:
The world premiere of Web (dir. Michael Kleiman), follows Peruvian children in remote regions who participate in the One Laptop per Child program.
The US premieres of The Dark Matter of Love (dir. Sarah McCarthy) looks at an American family that adopts Russian children prior to Vladimir Putin’s ban; and Mission Congo (dirs. David Turner, Lara Zizic) (pictured above), investigates how the multimillionaire televangelist Pat Robertson diverted resources for a refugee crisis.
Five NYC premieres: Sole Survivor (dir. Ky Dickens) profiles four people who were the only survivors of major airline crashes. Uranium Drive-In (dir. Suzan Beraza) focuses on a Colorado town with its economic hopes pinned on a new uranium mine. A Will for the Woods (dirs. Amy Browne, Jeremy Kaplan, Tony Hale & Brian Wilson) highlights the green burial movement. We Always Lie to Strangers (dirs. AJ Schnack & David Wilson) portrays the lives of performers in the popular family tourist destination of Branson, MO. A World Not Ours (dir. Mahdi Fleifel) brings a humorous and personal perspective on a Palestinian refugee camp in Lebanon.
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