NYC PREMIERE In equal measures inspiring and endearing, Leslie Chilcott’s film spotlights a group of Costa Rican village women who, seeking a way to offset the economically motivated flight of their husbands and sons from the community, form ASOMOBI, a coffee-growing collective—despite not knowing the first thing about growing coffee. Persevering through a steep learning curve and numerous setbacks, ASOMOBI captures the attention and support of a local exporter, and through her, the international coffee industry.
Screening with Luke Lorentzen’s Santa Cruz del Islote. Inhabitants of a remote Colombian island paradise face an uncertain future in changing times.
Screening followed by a panel featuring Director Lesley Chilcott; Grace Mena, Costa Rican Coffee Exporter/Owner, Del Café Grace Mena; Danielle Sacks, Senior Writer – Fast Company; and more to be announced.
This film is co-presented by Cinema Tropical.