Want to see your film at DOC NYC 2014? Submit your film for consideration by our late deadline of Friday June 27. Check our submission page for instructions.
THE PLEASURES OF BEING OUT OF STEP (DOC NYC 2013 Metropolis Award) opens at the IFC Center.
A pioneer in music criticism, Nat Hentoff has spent more than six decades championing jazz in the pages of the Village Voice, The Wall Street Journal, Down Beat, and numerous other publications. This profile reveals a singular figure who happily upends expectations in his pursuit of free expression. Tickets here.
ZIPPER (DOC NYC 2012) on WLIW21 at 10pm on Sunday 6/29.
Small-time ride operator Eddie and his ride are driven away from Coney Island by New York City and an opportunistic real estate mogul. A film about greed, politics, land use and public policy, and the battle over an American cultural icon, Zipper captures a market-driven world where growth often trumps preservation. Info here.
AMERICAN REVOLUTIONARY (DOC NYC 2013) premieres on PBS on Mon 6/30.
Grace Lee Boggs is a 98-year-old Chinese-American woman in Detroit whose vision of revolution may surprise you. A writer, activist, and philosopher rooted for more than 70 years in the African- American movement, she has devoted her life to an evolving revolution that encompasses the contradictions of America’s past and its potentially radical future. Info here.
Watch the DOC NYC Q&A featuring Grace Lee Boggs with director Grace Lee.
BUILDING BABEL (DOC NYC 2012) on America ReFramed on Tues 7/1.
Sharif El-Gamal is the developer of the ‘Ground Zero mosque’ in Lower Manhattan. The film tracks his struggle to bring his idea of Park51, a controversial Muslim community center two blocks from the site of Ground Zero, to fruition. Building Babel is a portrait of American identity ten years on from September 11th—and of how Muslims struggle to take part in the idea of who we are as a nation. Info here.
THE UNKNOWN KNOWN (DOC NYC 2013 Opening Night) on DVD on Tues 7/1.
Academy Award-winning director Errol Morris (The Fog of War) offers a mesmerizing portrait of Donald Rumsfeld, the former Secretary of Defense whose career will cast a long shadow over the 21st century. Over multiple interviews, Rumsfeld and Morris engage in a verbal duel over recent history and even the meaning of language. Purchase here.
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