June 20, 2014

The Central Park Five Exonerated settle lawsuit with NYC for $40 million

BREAKING NEWS — After an extraordinary civil rights lawsuit and legal battle over a 1989 crime and wrongful conviction that came to symbolize a sense of lawlessness, racism and police coercion in New York, the exonerated men of the Central Park Five have agreed to a settlement of about $40 million from New York City. […]

June 18, 2014

#DOCNYCalum: SCENES OF A CRIME subject acquitted in re-trial

SCENES OF A CRIME (DOC NYC 2011) subject Adrian Thomas acquitted at re-trial. The film examines Adrian Thomas’ high-profile case of his child’s death in upstate New York. The filmmakers uncover troubling video footage from a 10-hour police interrogation that led to a disputed confession. The film stimulated wide legal support for Thomas and last […]

June 12, 2014


THE ABOMINABLE CRIME (DOC NYC 2013) out on DVD. Exposing the roots of homophobia in Jamaican society, THE ABOMINABLE CRIME tells the story of a mother’s love for her child and an activist’s love for his country. It gives voice to Jamaicans like Simone Edwards, who survived an anti-gay shooting, and Maurice Tomlinson, a leading […]

May 31, 2014


We love keeping in touch with our alum filmmakers, so follow us on Twitter and friend us on Facebook so you can stay up to date as well. ***Our regular deadline for DOC NYC has passed, but you still have a few opportunities to submit for DOC NYC 2014. Check our submission page for all […]

May 22, 2014

#DOCNYCalum: NYT Op Doc by WEB

We love keeping in touch with our alum filmmakers, so follow us on Twitter and friend us on Facebook so you can stay up to date as well. 2013 DOC NYC audience award winner WEB has a NYT Op-Doc. For the feature length documentary WEB, Michael Pertnoy and Michael Kleiman followed the work of One […]

May 7, 2014

#DOCNYCalum: BREASTMILK in theaters, MOTHERS OF BEDFORD Online Premiere

We have over 300 alumni films we’ve presented throughout the past four years at DOC NYC. Follow us on Twitter and friend us on Facebook to stay up to date with all their latest news. (And alumni filmmakers, we love hearing from you so keep us updated on your film!) BREASTMILK (DOC NYC 2013) at […]

March 5, 2014

Congrats to Oscar-nominated DOC NYC alum!

The best part of DOC NYC is getting to work with so many amazingly talented filmmakers. This year is particularly special as we’ve had the opportunity to show all five of this year’s Best Documentary Oscar nominees. A giant congratulations to Morgan Neville on his Oscar win for 20 FEET FROM STARDOM. We’re sure you’ve seen […]