The students selected for this prestigious program are trained to be independent film producers and directors. Under the direction of Professors June Cross and Betsy West, they undertake courses in journalism, documentary production, visual storytelling, camerawork and editing, and they receive one-on-one coaching from a faculty adviser. Students also learn the business side of documentaries—negotiating partnerships, rights and clearances, and how to develop a winning production trailer. Their Master’s project, the capstone of their studies at Columbia Journalism School, is a short documentary expected to be of professional quality.
Columbia’s showcase includes: Code of Silence (USA, 29 min., Scilla Alecci, George Steptoe) is an exposé on the abuses that female prison officers endure at the hands of their male coworkers. Through the Fire (USA, 29 min., Nyasha Kadandara, Olivia Lace-Evans) examines the intricate relationship between child abuse and drug addiction. In Born Into This (USA, 23 min., Sean Ryon, Lea Scruggs) an immigrant father and son’s American Dream is told through one of the most violent and difficult professional sports.