During the 19 months before the Taliban retook Afghanistan, filmmaker Tamana Ayazi and Oscar-nominated director Marcel Mettelsiefen gained unique access to Zarifa Ghafari, the youngest female Afghan mayor. IN HER HANDS follows the 26-year-old Ghafari as she navigates multiple layers of political and personal turmoil, including a tense relationship with her father (a leader in the Afghan military), and a dilemma about working with her bodyguard — all against the constant threat of assassination. – Thom Powers.
The screening will be followed by Q&A with Marcel Mettelsiefen and Tamana Ayazi.
This film contains the following accessibility options for viewers:
Closed Captioning for in-person screenings at IFC Center and Cinepolis Chelsea
All in-person screening venues provide hearing impaired listening devices upon request with venue management.
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