What happens when “universal” rights are tested by women? In Alabama, Brittany Smith’s case calls into question the purpose of “stand your ground” laws. And in Russia, activist Anastasia Shevchenko pays a heavy price for standing up to President Vladimir Putin. (Total Running Time: 67 MIN)
State of Alabama vs. Brittany Smith | Director: Ryan White
Unfolding in real time by focusing on the experience of one women on trial for murder, the film is a layered examination of gender, the American south, domestic and sexual violence and the failures of our criminal justice system. Courtesy of Netflix (USA, 39 MIN) Screens as part of the in-person program only.
Anastasia | Director: Sarah McCarthy
Russian activist Anastasia Shevchenko comes to grips with the loss of her daughter after two years of house arrest for speaking out against the government. Courtesy of MTV Documentary Films (United Kingdom, 26 MIN)
This screening will be followed by a Q&A with members of the filmmaking teams.
All in-person screening venues provide hearing impaired listening devices upon request with venue management.
All guests & staff will be required to comply with our Health & Safety protocols while attending DOC NYC events. For the latest information, please review our policies here.