On fulfilling dreams and reimagining the world. In a Cuban cigar factories, La Lectora (Bulgaria, 10 min., Yulia Piskuliyska) entertains workers by reading to them. Argentine Raul (USA, 17 min., Kristin Sztyk) achieves, and then loses, his American dream. South Asian men are Searching for Wives (Singapore, 12 min., Zuki Juno Tobgye), but can only marry on even-numbered years. A gay boy and his mail-order-bride mom escape the Soviet Union for America in Little Potato (USA, 14 min., Wes Hurley, and Nathan Miller). A hotel caretaker embraces the solitude of the off-season in Winter?s Watch (USA, 14 min., Brian Bolster). In Finding Home (USA, 20 min., Abraham Troen), a successful Shanghainese lawyer leaves China for a paralegal job in San Francisco.