Contemplating life and death and finding grace. 36-year-old suburban soccer mom and breast cancer survivor, Grace (USA, 16 min., Rachel Pikelny), reclaims her body. Maryam, an ex-offender, helps newly-released women begin their lives anew in her thrift shop, Sister Hearts (USA, 16 min., Mohammad Gorjestani). Crannog (Scotland, 15 min., Isa Rao) follows Alexis, a woman with an incurable disease who lives on a farm where she cares for dozens of sick and wounded animals. For the past forty years, Louis has been archiving his life out of his Lexington, KY home in I Was Here (USA, 6 min. Julian Dalrymple). Prince’s Tale (Canada, 16 min., Jamie Miller) is a portrait of Prince Amponsah, a young actor who survived a near-fatal fire. After serving time in a New Hampshire jail, a freed inmate faces The Pull (USA, 16 min., Paul Szynol) of addiction.