Disrupting the system. (TOTAL RUNNING TIME: 83 MIN)
Oil and Water | Director: Anjali Nayar
The women of a northern Kenya community that has been exploited for oil unite to fight greed, patriarchy, and corrupt politics. (Canada, 14 MIN)
Stonewall 2069 | Director: Samuel Douek
The 1969 police raid of New York City’s Stonewall bar sparked the queer rights movement. What will the next 50 years of queer liberation look like? (UK, 8 MIN)
Lupita | Director: Monica Wise Robles
Lupita, a Tsostil Maya massacre survivor, stands at the forefront of a new movement of indigenous women. (Mexico, 21 MIN)
Tangled Roots | Director: Samantha Knowles
Attica Scott, the only Black woman in the Kentucky state legislature, fights to dismantle a system of discrimination against Black people penalized for something seemingly innocuous–their hair. (USA, 19 MIN)
Welcome Strangers | Director: Dia Sokol Savage
In the suburbs of Denver, Colorado, Sarah has turned her home into a haven for immigrants newly-released from state custody. (USA, 21 MIN)