NORTH AMERICAN PREMIERE The sweet taste of life returns to the village of Yahidne in northern Ukraine, after almost 400 villagers endured a month-long confinement and torture by Russian troops. Even as they realize the war is far from over, even as they mourn family members, neighbors, and animals who were killed during the ordeal, all generations of Yahidnians unite to rebuild their community and their psyches. One villager, Olha, kept a journal during their imprisonment, fearing no one would live to tell their story. As we hear her words read aloud, this beautifully shot film reminds us to embrace life as a daily gift. – Jaie Laplante
All in-person screening venues provide sound amplification headphones upon request with venue management. IFC Center can also provide a T-Coil loop for compatible devices.
Accessibility alert for NOV 17, 6:45PM screening:
Due to a recent equipment failure at Village East Cinemas, the room where this film screens is currently not accessible to patrons using wheelchairs. We apologize for the inconvenience. However the film is available to view at home as part of DOC NYC’s online festival. Please reach out to info@docnyc.net with any questions.