NY PREMIERE An immersive and poetic film centered on iconic shaman Davi Kopenawa and the Yanomami community of Watoriki in the Brazilian rainforest. Based on the book co-authored by Davi Kopenawa and anthropologist Bruce Albert, the film invites us to participate in the sacred ritual of Reahu, and challenges all of us existing in a capitalist system (“the People of Merchandise”) who exploit nature for financial gain to rebel against the damage wrought by the industrial world on the Amazon rainforest. – Ruth Somalo

The first screening will be followed by a Q&A with director, producer, and cinematographer Eryk Rocha, and Yanomami Shaman Davi Kopenawa.

All in-person screening venues provide sound amplification headphones upon request with venue management. IFC Center can also provide a T-Coil loop for compatible devices.

Director: Eryk Rocha, Gabriela Carneiro da Cunha
Producer: Eryk Rocha, Gabriela Carneiro da Cunha, Donatella Palermo
Cinematographer: Eryk Rocha, Bernard Machado
Editor: Renato Vallone
Language: Other
Country: Brazil, Italy
Year: 2024