DOC NYC Road Trip

Watch the interviews from the DOC NYC Road Trip on Facebook Live as we set off on an online DOC NYC Road Trip to check in with filmmaking hubs across the country. Host Thom Powers will talk with filmmakers, programmers, and filmmaking advocates as they share documentary news and preview some of DOC NYC’s 2020 slate. Additional guests to be announced—check back for updates. Check out each stop on the itinerary below!
Plus, from now through Saturday, Oct. 31, get $3 off tickets for any of the festival films featured in Road Trip—more than two dozen titles! Just click on the film titles with an asterisk below, and use code ROADTRIP when checking out!
All Road Trip programming will include live, on-camera ASL interpretation. For questions regarding accessibility; to receive dial-in information to facilitate TRS; or to request additional accommodations for accessing Road Trip programming, please email
Tune in for free at
Monday, October 26
Boston, MA | 2:00 – 2:45 pm ET
Co-presented by Bright Lights Film Series at Emerson College; Globe Docs; and Harvard’s Department of Art, Film, and Visual Studies.
Guests include Sian-Pierre Regis & Rebecca Danigelis (Duty Free*), Ursula Liang (Down a Dark Stairwell*), Lisa Viola (Globe Docs), Robb Moss (Harvard) and Anna Feder (Emerson).
Washington D.C. | 3:00 – 3:45 pm ET
Co-presented by Center for Media & Social Impact (CMSI) and Double Exposure Film Festival.
Guests include Caty Borum Chattoo (CMSI), Pat Aufderheide (CMSI), Mor Loushy (Kings of Capitol Hill*), Chris Wilson (National Museum of American History), Sky Sitney (Double Exposure Film Festival) and Opal H. Bennett (DOC NYC; March on Washington Film Festival).
Tuesday, October 27
Philadelphia, PA | 2:00 – 2:45pm ET
Co-presented by BlackStar Film Festival and Scribe Video Center.
Guests include Maori Karmael Holmes (BlackStar Film Festival), Loira Limbal (Through the Night*), Tommy Oliver (40 Years a Prisoner*) and Louis Massiah (Scribe).
Miami, FL | 3:00 – 3:45 pm ET
Co-presented by Miami Film Festival and O Cinema.
Guests include: Jaie Laplante (MFF), Kareem Tabsch (O Cinema; 40 Under 40 honoree in 2019), Max Basch & Malia Scharf (Kenny Scharf: When Worlds Collide*), Sami Khan & Michael Gassert (The Last Out*) and Nelson G. Navarrete & Maxx Caicedo (A La Calle*).
Wednesday, October 28
Detroit, MI | 2:00 – 2:45 pm ET / 1:00 – 1:45pm CT
Co-presented by Arab American National Museum; Detroit Narrative Agency; and Freep Film Festival.
Guests include Dave Serio (Arab American National Museum), Cornetta Lane (Detroit Narrative Agency) and Razi Jafri & Justin Feltman (Hamtramck, USA*).
Chicago, IL | 3:00 – 3:45 pm ET / 2:00 – 2:45pm CT
Co-presented by Kartemquin and Sisters in Cinema.
Guests include Yvonne Welbon (Sisters in Cinema), Jiayan “Jenny” Shi (Finding Yingying*), Maria Finitzo (The Dilemma of Desire*), Ashley O’Shay (Unapologetic*), and Jessie Fairbanks (DOC NYC).
Thursday, October 29
Cleveland & Dayton, OH | 2:00 – 2:45 pm ET
Co-presented by Cleveland Film Commission; Cleveland International Film Festival; and Wright State University Motion Pictures Program .
Guests include Karla Murthy (The Place That Makes Us*) Yael Bridge & DiCarlo Johnson (The Big Scary “S” Word*), Zeshawn Ali (Two Gods*) and Steve Bognar & Julia Reichert (9to5: The Story of a Movement*).
Columbia, MO | 3:00 – 3:45 pm ET / 2:00 – 2:45pm CT
Co-presented by Murray Center for Documentary Journalism and True/False.
Guests include David Wilson (T/F Film Festival), Stacey Woelfel (Murray Center for Documentary Journalism), Robert Greene (Murray Center for Documentary Journalism), Mia Donovan (Dope Is Death*), Ra’anan Alexandrowicz (The Viewing Booth*) and David Osit (Mayor*).
Friday, October 30
San Francisco & The Bay Area, CA | 4:00 – 4:45 pm ET / 1:00 – 1:45 am PT
Co-presented by Bay Area Video Coalition; Berkeley Film Foundation; and SF Film.
Guests include Amanda Salazar (SF Film), Abby Ginzberg (Truth to Power: Barbara Lee Speaks*), Brittney Réaume (Bay Area Video Coalition), Rebecca Richman Cohen (Weed & Wine*), Dana Nachman (Dear Santa*) and Ines Hofmann Kanna (Landfall*).
Los Angeles, CA | 5:00 – 5:45 pm ET / 2:00 – 2:45 pm PT
Co-presented by International Documentary Association.
Guests include Fenton Bailey & Randy Barbato (Wojnarowicz*), Rosalynde LeBlanc (Can You Bring It: Bill T. Jones and D-Man in the Waters*), Zach Ingrasi & Alejandro Valdes-Rochin (Five Years North*), and Jeff Kaufman & Marcia Ross (Nasrin*).
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