November 14, 2015

Tara, Queensland. Photographs from a week of anti Coal Seam Gas mining protests around Tara, Queensland in conjunction with the documentary film, "Frackman" being produced by Smith & Nasht. The documentary centres on anti CSG mining activist, Dayne "The Frackman" Pratzky, a local Tara resident. Photo: Andrew Quilty / Oculi for Smith & Nasht.

Today’s documentaries features a funny and outspoken Aussie everyman Dayne Pratzky who becomes an accidental activist over fracking. Director Richard Todd will be in attendance to introduce this screening of Frackman (US Premiere) at 11:45PM at the SVA theatre.

Next at the IFC Center, director Hillevi Loven, producers Chris Talbott and Samara Levenstein and subject Cole Ray Davis will present the NYC Premiere of  Deep Run at 2:30PM
Tickets are available here.

This afternoon, the World Premiere of Wilhemina’s War will have its first DOC NYC screening at 4:15PM at Bow Tie Chelsea Cinemas with director June Cross in attendance.
Tickets are available here.

Finally, this evening, directors Jimmy Coon and Tim Skousen will present the NYC Premiere of Raiders! The Story of the Greatest Fan Film Ever Made at 9:30PM at the SVA theatre.
For tickets, go here.